Residents' concerns over plans for more than 120 new homes on 'safeguarded' Coppull site

The proposed development siteThe proposed development site
The proposed development site
A public consultation into plans to build more than 120 new homes in Coppull revealed a range of concerns from those who took part.

Feedback was sought on the proposed development on land next to Blainscough Hall, Blainscough Lane..

The applicant, Blackburn-based chartered surveyors Lea Hough and Co, has submitted outline plans for the site - on safeguarded land - to Chorley Council.

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And while there was positive feedback on issues such as housing for new homebuyers; children's play areas; and pedestrian and transport links, folk were concerned about a host of other issues.

These included: The loss of wildlife and habitats; loss of green space in the area; road safety due to increased traffic; air pollution; flood risk; traffic and construction noise; and pressure on the local infrastructure such as schools and GPs.

A planning statement supporting the application states that of the planned 123 new homes, 30 per cent - 37 homes - would be affordable housing.

Residents were sent leaflets about the plans and feedback was invited by email.

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The public consultation ran for a period of two weeks, between November 20 and December 4.

Feedback was invited throughout the whole consultation period, with a dedicated email address available during this time.

Individual letters were issued out to local councillors.

The statement concluded: "Set in the context of the national and local housing crisis, this proposed development is being brought forward as a timely opportunity to boost delivery and meet local needs.

"This provision is all the more significant when considering the current economic climate which, as a result, means that the future delivery of both open market and affordable housing in Chorley is highly uncertain.

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"In such circumstances, the council should be looking to build market confidence and be proactively addressing the significant shortfall in housing and growing issues on affordability.

"The site has been explicitly safeguarded over the plan period till such time that its release is required to meet development needs, which is precisely the backdrop for the proposed outline planning application.

"More specifically, the application proposes the development of a site explicitly earmarked by the council as one of the next logical sites for residential development, capable of meeting needs from 2021 onwards.

"This statement demonstrates how the proposed housing is being brought forward in the right location and at the right time for the local area of Coppull and the borough as a whole.

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"Sustainable housing development such as this carries with it significant weight as emphasised under the national planning policy.

"This planning statement, along with the suite of technical reports that accompany this application, demonstrates in the planning balance there is no demonstrable or significant harm arising from the development that would outweigh its benefits.

"Moreover, the site benefits from a sustainable location with no technical reasons preventing the proposals from being realised.

"In sum, it is evident that there are no significant and demonstrable adverse impacts or material considerations that would outweigh the benefits of granting permission when assessed against the NPPF and development plan as a whole.

"The proposals constitute sustainable development and should therefore be approved ‘without delay’."