Recipe: Etuvée scallops with gingered carrot, coriander, soy and sesame

Etuve scallops with gingered carrot, coriander, soy and sesameEtuve scallops with gingered carrot, coriander, soy and sesame
Etuve scallops with gingered carrot, coriander, soy and sesame
Executive chef at Stanley House Hotel and Spa, Steve Williams, shares his recipe for a sumptuous starter dish of etuvée scallops served alongside gingered carrot, coriander, soy and sesame.


450g queen scallops – washed and patted dry

200g carrot julienne (thin strips)

20g stem ginger – chopped

120g onion – sliced

20ml sesame oil

10g coriander – chopped

30ml water

Sesame seeds – to garnish

20ml light soy sauce

80g cold butter – diced

Lemon juice – to taste

Salt and pepper


In a suitably sized pan, add the sesame oil, carrots, ginger, and onion and lightly fry for one minute

Add the scallops, ginger, butter, water, and soy

Bring to the boil all the while agitating the pan for approximately one minute (this will emulsify the liquids with the butter to create a sauce)


Season with the salt and pepper, add the coriander and lemon juice

Serve in a suitable dish, sprinkle with the sesame seeds and serve at once.