Readers' letters - April 15

An increase in litter in the countryside is becoming more of an issue says a readerAn increase in litter in the countryside is becoming more of an issue says a reader
An increase in litter in the countryside is becoming more of an issue says a reader
Stop littering countryside

I am writing to comment on the ever increasing problem of litter in our countryside.

We have lived in the country just outside Quernmore for 18 months now.

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Whilst we are thoroughly enjoying the views and fresh air, we have seen a drastic increase in the amount of rubbish being deposited.

On my route to work, I see endless amounts of beer cans thrown into the hedgerow – this amount is growing on a daily basis. For instance, today I counted in excess of 50 beer cans, all of the same brand, whilst travelling along Proctor Moss Road heading towards Blea Tarn Road.

You would imagine that the culprit was driving around the countryside, enjoying both the views and a beer, resulting in them disposing of the rubbish out of their vehicle windows.

Not only is it illegal to throw rubbish, it is also illegal to drink alcohol whilst driving, so the drivers responsible for this littering are taking a very huge risk, let alone putting other drivers, pedestrians and cyclists in great danger.

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Maybe we should request the council to put a couple of signs up, one to remind certain individuals to take their rubbish home and another one to remind them to not drink and drive.

These mindless, littering individuals should have more respect for Lancaster and the surrounding countryside and dispose of their rubbish in the correct manner like most other Lancastrians. We should be proud that Lancaster has such beautiful surroundings and respect that other people want to admire it too, and not see endless amounts of beer cans polluting the countryside and hedgerows.

Nigel Hodgson, Ellel resident

Leaving may not be so easy

It seems the Government is losing its nerve over the EU Referendum vote.

PM Cameron was initially even-handed to begin with in declaring that the referendum would be conducted in accordance with EU Council rules and those published by Electoral Commission.

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However this latest Governmental proposal to deliver £9.3m worth of EU Propaganda ‘Remain Leaflets’ to every home in GB, paid for by the taxpayer, is a public disgrace, generated by their fear that the vote for ‘Out’ is gaining ground.

Hopefully, this will have completely the opposite effect, since we, the electorate, are not going to be so easily deluded by such obvious manipulation carried out at our expense, as was previously done by our own 1972 UK Politicos.

We were promised we were joining a ‘loose federation of trading nations’ now we find ourselves in a political superstate of 28 nations, with complete inability to make our own laws, control our borders and prevent free ingress of criminals and other free-loaders.

The undisputed fact is that we being governed by a set of corrupt, undemocratic, unelected EU Commissioners, who have failed to pass any budget fiscal investigation for the last 40 years. Meanwhile China and India have doubled in size economically while the Eurozone is still as it was 2006.

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The UK, as the world’s fifth largest economy, will be better served by trading with other nations abiding by WTO rules , whilst still trading with the EU, but outside its stifling rules.

The only thing we need to be aware of, if the vote to leave was won, is the previous examples of citizens’ referenda returning a ‘No’ vote in Greece, Ireland, France etc which Mr Juncker declared void, saying no democratic vote can cancel European Treaties.

Certainly the EU will be hard put to generate the £55m a day we presently pay for being members from elsewhere, so leaving may not be as straightforward as many hope.

E J Tilley,


Was bus subsidy cuts an excuse?

Preston Bus spokesman Thomas Calderbank says that, despite petitions of more than 3,000 names, the return of the Orbital service is “very unlikely” (LEP April 2). I believe the bus company used the cuts in subsidy as an excuse to ditch this service because maintaining it was too much trouble.

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The company seems to just want to make easy profits, regardless of the pain caused to countless customers who need this essential service to get to work, attend the hospital and go about their daily business.

Why are there no bus services after 8pm on Christmas or New Year’s Eve? The answer appears again obvious. The company doesn’t want to be bothered.

Coun John Browne, Councillor

(Brookfield Ward) Labour

We lived at the Painters Arms

With regards to the Looking Back picture (LEP April 12), yes! We all remember the Painters Arms, as John Monk, the landlord, was my father.

We all lived there as a family, my parents John and Ellen, my three brothers, my husband, myself and my daughter.

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It was a very busy public house, most of the market traders were our customers, but we had a lot of passing trade, as it was situated at Starchhouse Square.

All coaches pulled up there, including Scout Bus Company, so it was like a mini bus station.

Shame it was pulled down to accommodate the new Ring Road.

Happy fond memories!

Mrs Hazel Cavies, Preston

I’d give Dennis

a knighthood

Who says Parliament can’t be entertaining?

Well, three cheers to Labour MP Dennis Skinner. I thought it was hilarious what Dennis Skinner called ‘Call me Dave’ ‘Dodgy Dave!’ Had I been there, I would have given Dennis Skinner a pat on the back and shook his hand – then nominated him for a knighthood! Sadly, poor Dennis was asked to leave.

Never mind, Dennis, you made your mark and a lasting impression. I wish there were more characters like you in the Houses of Parliament. You never fail to say what the majority of the UK are all thinking. I doff my hat to you, Sir Dennis Skinner!

Keep up the ‘first class’ parliamentary entertainment!

Darryl Ashton, Blackpool

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