Shoe row mum teaching daughter the wrong values

Aasma DayAasma Day
Aasma Day
IF ever you wanted proof that a new pair of shoes can dramatically change your life, just read the fairytale Cinderella.

Sadly for one little girl, instead of shoes bagging her a beautiful ball gown and a prince, all they’ve done is turn her into a social pariah as she’ll no longer get invites to play at other children’s houses.

In case you’ve missed the tale about “Shoegate Mum” Sarah Bryan, she’s the woman who invoiced another parent £325 when her three-year-old daughter came home with scuff and pen marks on her ‘Italian fur booties.’

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Being a parent is a tricky task involving a minefield of decisions so I’m usually loathe to comment on other parents’ judgements and parenting styles.

But when an innocent child gets swept up in a tide of madness because of her attention-seeking mother, it makes me question what kind of world we’re living in.

Firstly and most importantly, children are not a fashion accessory and should be free to enjoy the simple pleasures of play without worrying about slightly ruining their shoes or clothes.

Most sensible parents recognise a three-year-old is going to get messy, so dress them accordingly. And if a child does happen to spoil an item they’re wearing while playing at someone else’s house, how on earth is it the other parent’s fault?

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Sarah Bryan’s argument is she’d sent her daughter with a pair of ‘spare shoes’ and she felt the other mother should have thought ahead to make sure her child changed into them before playing.

Maybe if she’d had a smidgen of common sense, she would have sent her daughter wearing the ‘spares’ in the first place.

Children love jumping in muddy puddles, climbing things, getting dirty and messy and having fun..

The last thing a three-year-old wants to do is sit there thinking: “I better not do anything to ruin my £325 shoes.”

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Ms Bryan’s reasoning was that as a fashion designer, she “does not want her child to look anything less than pristine” as she felt it reflected on her professionally.

Children need to be clean, cared for and dressed to suit the weather, but they’re not a fashion accessory. That’s why God gave us handbags and high heels.

This story proves that all the money in the world can’t buy you taste - you only have to see gaudy photos of the inside of Donald Trump’s home.

Is this mother myopic? Has she not looked at these shoes? How can she believe these hideous, furry wellies are worth £325.

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Ironically, this comes from a so-called fashion designer who has created outfits from fish.

Parents do embarrass their children - it’s what we do best. My own shoe-related mortification for my children came when I tried to run the mum’s race at sports day in heels - and fell flat on my face.....

But this mum isn’t just ensuring her daughter never gets invited to play anywhere again, she is teaching her the price of everything and the value of nothing.

Doesn’t she realise the only thing kids wear out faster than their shoes is their parents?